Middleman deploy via Git from Docker

This blog was built with Middleman and deploy to GitHub Pages.

I’m using the middleman-deploy gem to deploy via Git.

Last year I decided to use docker to develop and running this blog and one of the problems I had at that moment it was to make the deploy works from the docker container.

And that’s what this post is about.

I’m using ruby:2.7.1-alpine3.12 as docker base image.

Before I added docker to this project the dependencies were installed locally and since I have Git already setup it was enough to run the middleman deploy command from the root of the project to deploy to GitHub Pages.

It worked because the middleman-deploy gem had access to these two files:


But now all the dependencies live inside of the docker container so we need to setup Git inside of the container.

The middleman-deploy gem makes automatics commits in the deploy process and the commits are make with the user that is in the ~/.gitconfig file.

To deploy, the middleman-deploy gem pushes the files generates in the build process to GitHub and it uses the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file to authenticate over SSH.

We need to ensure that the Docker container has access to the two files mentioned above.

We’ll use docker-compose to make easier our setup.

Docker implements secrets to manage sensitive data like our ssh key. Docker can read secrets either from its own database (e.g. secrets made with docker secret create) or from a file.

For the ~/.gitconfig file we’re going to stored it as a volume and for the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file we’ll use secrets.


version: "3.7"

    build: .
      - .:/usr/src/app
      - ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig # Include our .gitconfig file into the container

  host_ssh_key: # The name to identify the secret
    file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa # The file to create as secret

The location of the mount point within the container is /run/secrets/<secret_name> but we know that the id_rsa file must be inside of the ~/.ssh directory.

So the last step is update the Dockerfile to create the ~/.ssh directory and make a symbolic link for the id_rsa file.


RUN mkdir ~/.ssh && ln -s /run/secrets/host_ssh_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

With everything setup we can now deploy to GitHub Pages from a Docker container.

  # Generate the docker image
  docker-compose build

  # Start the web service
  docker-compose up -d

  # Deploy from Docker container
  docker-compose exec web middleman deploy


FROM ruby:2.7.1-alpine3.12

RUN apk add --update --no-cache \
  build-base \
  tzdata \
  git \
  openssh \

RUN mkdir ~/.ssh && ln -s /run/secrets/host_ssh_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

WORKDIR ./usr/src/app

COPY Gemfile* ./

RUN bundle install

COPY yarn* ./

RUN yarn install

COPY . .


CMD ["bundle", "exec", "middleman", "s", "--bind-address", ""]


version: "3.7"

    build: .
      - .:/usr/src/app
      - ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig
      - 4567:4567
      - host_ssh_key

    file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
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